(Aug 18) 終於要來正式設缸囉,久違地造景,一直到魚缸送到家裡前還是很猶豫要先嘗試什麼樣的風格,後來還是決定以叢生型水草、流木與草皮組合而成的叢林風景,這也是我一直以來很喜歡的風格。 It's time to set up. Before the tank arrived to home, I was considering about styles of aquascaping. And I decided to use driftwood, sod and some Cryptocoryne plants to make a amazon jungle liked view (maybe). It's always my favorite style. 接著就看圖說故事囉! Then, take a composition through picture! 器材剛到貨,已先迫不及待地架置起來。在安裝圓桶管線部份發生不少困難,常常會彎折到管線,費了好一番功夫。 I installed the hardware as they arrived. When I set the pipeline of the filter, it bended so many times and caused many problems. 超白玻璃缸的質感絕佳,尤其是開燈時缸邊會有光透出來,超美! The super-white tank is boutique-level. there's a light come from the edge of the tank when LED light turns on. Awesome! 隔天(Aug 19) 首先到貨的是前景草新大珍珠與針葉皇冠,是從FB社團上的網友那邊購得,分量還滿多的,以我的缸來說很適合。First plants I bought are Micranthemum sp "Monte carlo" and Helanthium tenellum "Green". They're bought from Facebook group. The quantity is enough for my ta...
紀錄玩水草缸的生活,菜鳥還有很多要學的!Some of the aquascaping, planting and playing.