

目前顯示的是 2018的文章

[45cm] 第二批次種草 batch no.2

(Aug 24) 第二批草終於到了,趕緊來種草囉。 Second batch of plants, time to plant. 這次購買的水草有: 棕溫蒂椒草 扭蘭 綠椒草 細葉鐵皇冠 三角慕斯 Now we have: Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green' Cryptocoryne wendtii 'mi oya' Vallisneria asiatica var. biwaensis Microsuinm sp. Vesicularia antipyretica(moss ) 都是以叢生型、陰性草為主。 本來還有黑木蕨但缺貨,日後有機會應該還是會補齊吧。 They're all clumps and don't need too much CO2, but I'll supply CO2 to it whatever.   種植! 其實可以的話,種草與造景最好能一氣呵成,只是我的前景草先到了,怕放著會枯死。 後方的黑土疊的不夠多,底部都是石頭,不太好種植。

[45cm] 開缸囉! Start

(Aug 18) 終於要來正式設缸囉,久違地造景,一直到魚缸送到家裡前還是很猶豫要先嘗試什麼樣的風格,後來還是決定以叢生型水草、流木與草皮組合而成的叢林風景,這也是我一直以來很喜歡的風格。 It's time to set up. Before the tank arrived to home, I was considering about styles of aquascaping. And I decided to use driftwood, sod and some Cryptocoryne plants to make a amazon jungle liked view (maybe). It's always my favorite style. 接著就看圖說故事囉! Then, take a composition through picture! 器材剛到貨,已先迫不及待地架置起來。在安裝圓桶管線部份發生不少困難,常常會彎折到管線,費了好一番功夫。 I installed the hardware as they arrived. When I set the pipeline of the filter, it bended so many times and caused many problems. 超白玻璃缸的質感絕佳,尤其是開燈時缸邊會有光透出來,超美! The super-white tank is boutique-level. there's a light come from the edge of the tank when LED light turns on. Awesome! 隔天(Aug 19) 首先到貨的是前景草新大珍珠與針葉皇冠,是從FB社團上的網友那邊購得,分量還滿多的,以我的缸來說很適合。First plants I bought are Micranthemum sp "Monte carlo" and  Helanthium tenellum "Green". They're bought from Facebook group. The quantity is enough for my ta...

[45cm] 2018重新開始 To the beginning

(回到2018) 自搬家撤缸之後已好一陣子,但新的落腳處預計只待一年,也就不了了之。直到今年夏天,學業、兵役都差不多告一段落,才決定來搞搞魚缸。 已有兩年時間未研究,一些深入的理論都忘得差不多了。 It's been a long time to finish my last tank. I almost forgets everything about fish keeping. 準備與爬文花了一個多月,這次的設缸想從原先的30cm魚缸再擴更大些,在往上的36與45cm缸之間考慮許久,最後是因為發現兩者的預算不會差太多,便直上45cm。 After a month of searching and learning, I finally started setting a tank. I want a bigger tank than before. I'm considered the size between 36 or 45 cm wide. I finally chose  the 45 one because I found the budget between them are almost the same.  此時家中的自製魚缸櫃正好派上用場,原本的尺寸就是為45cm缸設計,現在放上45*30*30的超白開放缸,幾可說是天造地設,狠下心擴45cm缸真是太好了。 Fortunately, my fish tank cabinet was made for 45cm fishtank.  Now it's  totally matches the cabinet. I'm glad to decide to bought the 45cm one. 慣例地來記錄一下器材: Record some hardware: 魚缸Fishtank -無牌 超白缸 (尺寸45*30*30) 原本預計要用45*27*30的標準尺寸但缺貨,只好改買深度多3cm的此缸,在下訂之後一直很擔心會不會超出櫃子放不下,幸好實際上只超出幾mm,應該是影響不大。 過濾Filter -冠博 we-03圓桶 (流量:360L/H) -牧梵 不鏽鋼進出水口 (尺寸:12/16) 圓桶是從知名網拍青X水族購入,...

[30cm] 在那之後 Some update

(2016 Jun 25) 距 鹿角苔、小柳 入缸 那篇文後又過了一個月,皇冠草整個大爆植,半個缸面都被其葉片覆蓋了。 It's been a while after  Add more plants , "the crown plant" has over-growed, the front of surface was covered. 修剪之後。 Took some prune. 小柳生長得還不錯,纖細的葉形我很喜歡,日後應該會持續使用這種水草。(有一些藻類麻煩請無視哈哈) 鹿角苔的碎屑實在煩人,後來便移除了。 在二手社團收了顆5L的鋼瓶,終於有穩定的CO2系統了!雖然只有簡易的微調閥,每天還要開開關關的。 擺在新做完的魚缸櫃的樣子,30cm的魚缸真的是很小!但價位與相關設備平易近人許多,也陪我度過不少時光。

[30cm] 手作魚缸櫃 DIY fish tank cabinet

不知不覺這個部落格就閒置了兩年,時間過得還真快……在前一篇文發布之後,缸子幾乎是沒什麼更動的,一直到去年夏天因搬家而撤缸。在這期間偶爾也會拍照做做紀錄,但就是懶得撰文整理。 現在來回顧一下,在這之後發生的事吧。